8 Questions That Will Help You Create Stellar Recruitment Collateral

We're all looking for the perfect copy to use on our recruitment collateral. Messaging that will connect with families and pique their interest in our school. But how do you know what will land? You don't want to waste resources on an ineffective ad or mailer.

One of the best ways to connect with future applicants is to engage your existing families. Great schools know the importance of valuing their families' voices. Here are some excellent questions for a focus group or parent survey that will give you great content to draw from as you create your recruitment collateral:

  1. Who do you want your child to become after graduating from [School Name]?

  2. At what point did you realize this school was a perfect fit for you?

  3. What challenges have you and your students faced at other schools?

  4. Why do you trust [School Name] with your student?

  5. Do you think teachers can relate to your students' experiences? If so, Why?

  6. What does success look like for your child?

  7. What concerns you most about raising a child in 2020?

  8. What changes have you seen in your child after they joined the [School Name's] family?

These questions will help you capture incredible quotes that you can copy and paste on your collateral or identify what themes most important to cover. Excellent collateral will highlight 1-3 answers from these questions. Good luck!


Sawyer Schafbuch is a StoryBrand Certified Guide and founder of Everydesk, helping quality schools recruit students. He recently moved to Des Moines, IA with his wife and daughter. 


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