Are You Re-Enrollment Ready?


As a school administrator, you have responsibilities that always take less time in theory than they do in practice. Re-enrollment is near the top of that list. Communication or enrollment software issues can quickly derail your efforts and add hours of work to your plate. Here are three steps to help launch your re-enrollment campaign.

Your school can host a virtual info session to generate parent leads.

1) Create the Lowest Possible Barrier for Re-entry

Have you ever been to the doctor’s office or DMV and had to resubmit paperwork that you know they already have on file? It’s annoying. Sometimes we’re guilty of asking our families to do the same thing. Our goal should be to make re-enrollment as simple as possible. Check with your county’s requirements to see what documentation is necessary to enroll. Then outline the minimum amount of information you need to collect from existing parents in order to meet those requirements. 

Next, you need to think through how parents will complete re-enrollment. It’s rarely a good idea to introduce new software at this point in the relationship. Employ a platform that parents have already been using (Google Forms, Schoolmint, etc.). However, just because you are using familiar software doesn’t mean that technical issues won’t arise. Have an FAQ email or one-page draft on hand for troubleshooting.  It’s also helpful to schedule and post re-enrollment office hours for families who may struggle with access to technology. Be sure to test your system before opening it up to your families to make sure the forms are working correctly.


2) Manufacture a Deadline with a Bonus

Enrollment management can become overwhelming during mid to late summer as you are onboarding new families and prepping for orientation. Create a deadline for re-enrollment in late spring or early summer that will allow for breathing room. Current parents need to know that by re-enrolling before this date, they are doing the school and themselves a favor. I encourage schools to offer a perk for families who enroll before your deadline. Give families a school uniform piece or school supplies for their timeliness. Your generosity will be repaid with shorter workdays in late July.


3) Rock Your Communication Plan

We often overlook our communications when it comes to re-enrolling. We know that parents appreciate our school, so we assume that re-enrollment will be top-of-mind. The truth is that it will take purposeful and consistent messaging to get parents to act. The first step is to create talking points around re-enrollment. Use the questions below to create your talking points:

  • How has your school transformed your students over the past year?

  • What’s at stake if parents don’t re-enroll?

  • What steps do families need to take to re-enroll?

  • What will success look like next year?

  • What is the manufactured deadline for re-enrollment?

Here’s an example of a re-enrollment message:

“It’s been the most difficult school year of our lives. We are grateful for the perseverance of our families, and the dedication of our teachers. But most of all, we are proud of our students, who developed a personal love for learning against all odds. We are excited to open re-enrollment for the next school year. It will be a crucial year for our students to take back academic ground. You can visit and take 5 minutes to complete the form. We are thrilled to welcome students back on campus to learn and grow together! We will be giving free uniform tops to every student who completes the form before June 1st, so don’t hesitate!

After you have crafted your re-enrollment message, brainstorm the different platforms and frequency you need to share this information. Here’s an example:

  • Weekly Email Announcements - weekly now through June 1st

  • SMS Message - Bi-Weekly on Mondays now through June 1st

  • Social Media - Weekly on Thursdays congratulate a family who has re-enrolled and received their bonus

  • Website Pop-Up - Daily May-June 1st

You can edit the format of the message so that it better fits the platform, but keep your talking points the same.


Your Work Will Be Appreciated!

I hope these three steps will save you time and headache as you go about re-enrolling. The work is worth it. When you simplify processes and offer clarity to your families, you relieve stress from their lives. Who doesn’t appreciate clear expectations and fewer hoops to jump through?

School staff may or may not admit this, but seeing families return to the first day of school after summer break is an amazing feeling. The return after summer break is proof that your school has developed a trusting relationship with your families. Work towards that end!


Sawyer Schafbuch is a StoryBrand Certified Guide and founder of Everydesk, helping quality schools recruit students. He recently moved to Des Moines, IA with his wife and daughter.


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